Independent Study

Assembly Bill 181 (the 2022-23 omnibus budget trailer bill) contains revisions to the Independent Study Program.  These changes are effective July 1, 2022.  However, LEA's must update their Independent Study Policy before any Independent Study Requests can be approved.  For Flournoy Elementary School, we don't anticipate updated policy language from the State until sometime in September. 
The biggest change to Independent Study is that LEA’s are no longer required to offer Independent Study like last year.  Due to this change, Flournoy Elementary will no longer offer a Long-Term Independent Study option.
What parents need to know prior to requesting Independent Study:
  • Short-Term Independent Study must be requested through the school office at least two weeks in advance of the proposed start date
  • Independent Study is a minimum of 3 days and no more than 14 days.
  • Short-Term Independent Study cannot exceed 14 days (for the entire year) and instruction is provided as packet work or Google classroom by a student’s existing teacher.
  • If a Short-Term Independent Study request will exceed 14 days (or the balance available to the student) the student will be marked unexcused for the number of days exceeding the limit.
  • Master Agreements from Parents and Students must be signed prior to the starting of the Short-Term Independent Study
  • Short Term Independent Study Homework Assignments are due the day the student returns to In-Person learning.  Any incomplete or missing assignments will result in unexcused absences.

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A student’s progress in independent study is determined through evaluation and review of data based on the following indicators:
  • The student’s achievement and engagement in the independent study program, as indicated by the student’s performance on applicable measures of student achievement and student engagement as those terms are defined in Education Code section 52060(d)(4) and (5).
  • Completion of assignments, assessments, or other indicators that evidence the student is working on assignments.
  • Learning required concepts, as determined by the supervising teacher.
  • Progressing toward successful completion of the course of study or individual course, as determined by the supervising teacher.

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For a student with disabilities, as defined in Education Code 56026, participation in an independent study program shall be approved only if his/her individualized education program specifically provides for such participation. (Education Code 51745)